Results for 'Sergio Bárcena Juárez'

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  1. Armenian text].Sergio La Porta - 2008 - In Two anonymous sets of scholia on Dionysius the Areopagite's Heavenly hierarchy. Lovanii [Louvain, Belgium]: Peeters.
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    The Enlightenment and the Sciences of Man.Sergio Moravia - 1980 - History of Science 18 (4):247-268.
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    Publication ethics and the ghost management of medical publication.Sergio Sismondo & Mathieu Doucet - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (6):273-283.
    It is by now no secret that some scientific articles are ghost authored – that is, written by someone other than the person whose name appears at the top of the article. Ghost authorship, however, is only one sort of ghosting. In this article, we present evidence that pharmaceutical companies engage in the ghost management of the scientific literature, by controlling or shaping several crucial steps in the research, writing, and publication of scientific articles. Ghost management allows the pharmaceutical industry (...)
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    Latin American healthcare systems in times of pandemic.Sergio G. Litewka & Elizabeth Heitman - 2020 - Developing World Bioethics 20 (2):69-73.
    The COVID‐ 19 pandemic is a critical test for the already overburdened and mostly underfunded public healthcare systems of Latin America. In a region that suffers from severe inequalities, public healthcare systems are the only source of medical care for a large sector of the population who work in the informal economy or are unemployed. State‐run hospitals and clinics are already overstressed by continuous demand for treatment of vector‐borne diseases and community‐acquired infections as well as high rates of non‐communicable diseases. (...)
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    Modular Many-Valued Semantics for Combined Logics.Carlos Caleiro & Sérgio Marcelino - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (2):583-636.
    We obtain, for the first time, a modular many-valued semantics for combined logics, which is built directly from many-valued semantics for the logics being combined, by means of suitable universal operations over partial non-deterministic logical matrices. Our constructions preserve finite-valuedness in the context of multiple-conclusion logics, whereas, unsurprisingly, it may be lost in the context of single-conclusion logics. Besides illustrating our constructions over a wide range of examples, we also develop concrete applications of our semantic characterizations, namely regarding the semantics (...)
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    Conoscenza e politica.Roberto Mangabeira Unger & Sergio Cremaschi - 1983 - Bologna: Il Mulino.
    Italian translation by Sergio Cremaschi of ROBERTO MANGABEIRA UNGER, Knowledge and Politics, , Free Press, New York 1975.
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  7. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz on self‐control.Sergio Armando Gallegos-Ordorica - 2020 - Philosophy Compass (10):1-10.
    The Novohispanic nun Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz has not been traditionally considered as a philosopher within the Anglophone philosophical sphere because her writings are primarily poems and plays. In the last three decades, only a few philosophers have engaged with Sor Juana's works. However, their scholarship has focused only on a narrow range of issues, such as Sor Juana's defense of the right of women to be educated, and has neglected other dimensions of her thought, such as her (...)
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    Creators’ intentions bias judgments of function independently from causal inferences.Sergio E. Chaigneau, Ramón D. Castillo & Luis Martínez - 2008 - Cognition 109 (1):123-132.
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  9. Friendship and the Law of Reason: Baier and Kant on Love and Principles.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2005 - In Williams Jenkins (ed.), Persons, Promises, and Practices. University of Notre Dame Press. pp. 250-280.
  10. Two Views of Natural Law and the Shaping of Economic Science.Sergio Cremaschi - 2002 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):181-196.
    In this paper I argue that differences between the ‘new moral science’ of the seventeenth century and scholastic natural law theory originated primarily from the skeptical challenge the former had to face. Pufendorf’s project of a scientia practica universalis is the paramount expression of an anti-skeptical moral science, a ‘science’ that is both explanatory and normative, but also anti-dogmatic insofar as it tries to base its laws on those basic phenomena of human life which, supposedly, are immune to skeptical doubt. (...)
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  11. Akrasia and Irrationality.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2010 - In Timothy O'Connor & Constantine Sandis (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Action. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 274-282.
  12.  24
    A LENDA E A LEI: A ancestralidade afro-brasileira como fonte epistemológica e como conceito ético-jurídico normativo.Augusto Sérgio dos Santos De São Bernardo - 2018 - Odeere 3 (6):226.
    Nossas motivações e leituras de mundo sustentam-se no pressuposto de que as moralidades geram eticidades e as eticidades geram juridicidades. Tal correspondência une o destino a um modo ancestre de decidir sobre as situações do presente. Pensar ou exercitar uma epistemologia a partir da ancestralidade significa adotar uma postura ética frente a uma camada questionável de pensamentos e saberes identificáveis como africanos e diaspóricos. Isso implica numa mudança na carga teórico-epistemológica em que são construídos estes conceitos. A ancestralidade pode ser (...)
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  13. Forma y función de la explicación contrafáctica en la obra fisiológica de Ramón y Cajal.Sergio Daniel Barberis - 2020 - In Filosofía e Historia de la Ciencia en el Cono Sur. São Carlos, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil: pp. 72-83.
    En este trabajo sostengo que la concepción mecanicista no captura la relevancia explicativa de la ley de polarización dinámica de Cajal. La relevancia explicativa de la ley se fundamenta en su rol como principio de diseño neuronal. Como tal, la ley nos brinda acceso epistémico a intervenciones ideales, conceptualmente posibles, sobre la localización de los diversos componentes de los centros nerviosos, y nos permiten evaluar el impacto de esas intervenciones sobre las condiciones de viabilidad del organismo.
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  14. Quasi-realism's problem of autonomous effects.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2003 - Philosophical Quarterly 53 (212):392–409.
    Simon Blackburn defends a 'quasi-realist' view intended to preserve much of what realists want to say about moral discourse. According to error theory, moral discourse is committed to indefensible metaphysical assumptions. Quasi-realism seems to preserve ontological frugality, attributing no mistaken commitments to our moral practices. In order to make good this claim, quasi-realism must show that (a) the seemingly realist features of the 'surface grammar' of moral discourse can be made compatible with projectivism; and (b) certain realist-sounding statements which we (...)
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    Tragic irony in Ovid, Heroides 9 and 11.Sergio Casall - 1995 - Classical Quarterly 45 (02):505-.
    A dominant theme in the ninth of the Heroides, Deianira's letter to Hercules, is Deianira's indignation that Hercules has been defeated by a woman: first by Iole ; then by Omphale . The theme is exploited so insistently that Vessey, who regards the epistle as spurious, sees in this insistence a sign of the forger's clumsiness. consider the exploitation of the motive of‘victor victus’ in Heroides 9, on the contrary, as a strong sign of Ovidian authorship. From the very beginning (...)
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    The Proper Function of Artifacts: Intentions, Conventions and Causal Inferences.Sergio E. Chaigneau & Guillermo Puebla - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (3):391-406.
    Designers’ intentions are important for determining an artifact’s proper function (i.e., its perceived real function). However, there are disagreements regarding why. In one view, people reason causally about artifacts’ functional outcomes, and designers’ intended functions become important to the extent that they allow inferring outcomes. In another view, people use knowledge of designers’ intentions to determine proper functions, but this is unrelated to causal reasoning, having perhaps to do with intentional or social forms of reasoning (e.g., authority). Regarding these latter (...)
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    Acto de homenaje y mesa redonda sobre Fernando Montero Moliner : presentación.Sergio Sevilla Segura - 1998 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 2:23.
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    On the free implicative semilattice extension of a Hilbert algebra.Sergio A. Celani & Ramon Jansana - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (3):188-207.
    Hilbert algebras provide the equivalent algebraic semantics in the sense of Blok and Pigozzi to the implication fragment of intuitionistic logic. They are closely related to implicative semilattices. Porta proved that every Hilbert algebra has a free implicative semilattice extension. In this paper we introduce the notion of an optimal deductive filter of a Hilbert algebra and use it to provide a different proof of the existence of the free implicative semilattice extension of a Hilbert algebra as well as a (...)
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  19. On continental and analytic philosophies.Sergio Cremaschi - 2002 - Manuscrito 25 (2):51-79.
    I discuss the way in which the cleavage between the Continental and the Anglo-American philosophies originated, the images of both philosophical worlds, the converging rediscoveries from the Seventies, as well as recent ecumenical or anti-ecumenical strategies. I argue that pragmatism provides an important counterinstance to both the familiar self-images and to fashionable ecumenical or anti-ecumenical strategies. My conclusions are: Continental philosophy does not exist; less obviously, also analytic philosophy does not exist, or does not exist any longer as a current (...)
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  20. Realismo estructurista y nominalismo científico.Sergio Aramburu - 2020 - Scientia in Verba Magazine 6 (1):157-177.
    Este trabajo presenta y analiza dos posturas acerca de las representaciones y clasificaciones científicas que Ian Hacking en ¿La construcción social de qué? denomina realismo o estructurismo inherente y nominalismo. La primera sostiene que las divisiones del conocimiento científico expresan o reflejan divisiones estructurales de la realidad a la que se refieren, en tanto que la segunda considera que toda división o estructura atribuida por la ciencia a la realidad se encuentra sólo en las representaciones mismas. Se sostiene que tal (...)
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    Compressibility, Laws of Nature, Initial Conditions and Complexity.Sergio Chibbaro & Angelo Vulpiani - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (10):1368-1386.
    We critically analyse the point of view for which laws of nature are just a mean to compress data. Discussing some basic notions of dynamical systems and information theory, we show that the idea that the analysis of large amount of data by means of an algorithm of compression is equivalent to the knowledge one can have from scientific laws, is rather naive. In particular we discuss the subtle conceptual topic of the initial conditions of phenomena which are generally incompressible. (...)
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  22. Etica ed economia.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1986 - Il Progetto 6 (33):33-40.
    I sketch a history of the evolving relationship between ethics and economics as discourse, and I venture a few conjectures on interactions between such evolution and the evolving relationship between economic subsystem and moralities qua sub-systems in ancient, early modern and modern societies.
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  23. (1 other version)Remarks on Scientific Metaphors.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1988 - In Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara & Maria Clara Galavotti (eds.), Temi e prospettive della Logica e Filosofia della Scienza. Volume 2. CLUEB. pp. 114-116.
    Recent contributions by Kuhn, Wartofsky, and Granger, converge in the direction of an extended view of models, one that acknowledges a metaphorical dimension in the language of science. Such a view is in some respects the opposite of the views of both Bachelard and the Logical Empiricists. A number of familiar puzzles of the philosophy of science, such as the problem of reference, the opposition of realism and instrumentalism, that between explanation and understanding, and the status of scientific objectivity, may (...)
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  24. On the very idea of a Left.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 2004 - Synthesis Philosophica 19 (2):475-485.
    Starting with one of the last writings by Norberto Bobbio I discuss the origins of the idea of a political “Left”. I trace them back to historical circumstances of the French Revolution and, behind them, to ways of symbolical representation to be located within the wider framework of forms of symbolic spatial organization of the social space. It turns out that “Left” is, more than a concept, a symbol or a metaphor. That Left is connected in its very roots with (...)
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    Viver, a que se destina?Mario Sergio Cortella - 2020 - [Campinas, SP]: Papirus 7 Mares. Edited by Leandro Karnal.
    Qual o sentido da vida? Por que aqui estamos? Será destino? Será escolha? Neste livro, Mario Sergio Cortella e Leandro Karnal, dois dos maiores pensadores contemporâneos no Brasil, se encontram para refletir sobre essas questões que há séculos fascinam e intrigam a humanidade. A ciência, a filosofia, a religião e a arte têm oferecido algumas possibilidades de resposta que os autores discutem aqui. Afinal, pode ser aterrador imaginar que não há um destino, algo que explique a nossa existência. Por (...)
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  26. Comentários à Lei nº 13.329/2016, que institui O regime especial de incentivos para O saneamento básico - reisb.Carlos Sérgio Gurgel da Silva - 2016 - Revista Fides 7 (2).
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    Two anonymous sets of scholia on Dionysius the Areopagite's Heavenly hierarchy.Sergio La Porta (ed.) - 2008 - Lovanii [Louvain, Belgium]: Peeters.
    These two volumes consist of a critical edition and English translation of the two earliest known Armenian sets of scholia on the Heavenly Hierarchy of Dionysius the Areopagite. Composed in the monastic schools of Erznka in the late thirteenth century, these scholia provide significant insight into how the Heavenly Hierarchy in particular, and Armenian translations of Greek texts in general, were understood by Armenian scholars in the Middle Ages. This editio princeps of the scholia represents a rare critical edition of (...)
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    Remembrance Subjectivities, Narrative Marks and Cultural Trauma in the Construction of Memory of FARC-EP Demobilized Combatants in the AETCR Pondores.Sergio Daniel Rojas-Sierra & Tito Hernando Pérez Pérez - 2024 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 26:179-200.
    In recent decades, memory studies in Colombia in relation to the internal armed conflict have become a point of reference for multidisciplinary work with collectives and communities, and are also an important topic on the state agenda. This article explores the remembering subjectivities, narrative marks and cultural trauma that emerge from the experiences and perspectives in a memory work Antiguo Espacio Territorial de Capacitación y Reincorporación (AETCR) de Pondores. In addition, the tensions involved in thinking about cultural trauma from subjects (...)
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    Marcuse e os limites da sua utopia.Sergio Augusto Franco Fernandes - 2011 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 23 (33):287.
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    Genocidio de la up : economía, conexiones teóricas con Negri y Hardt, y políticas de memoria.Sergio Nicolás Poveda León, Mónica Alejandra Rodríguez Baquero & María Camila Vargas Figueroa - 2021 - Humanitas Hodie 3 (1):H31a1.
    El propósito del artículo es explicar el genocidio de la Unión Patriótica en clave de la economía nacional y su ubicación estratégica a partir de una aproximación teórica desde algunos elementos propuestos por Antonio Negri y Michael Hardt. Como conclusión se destaca que el genocidio de la up fue consecuencia de su poderío local, que ponía en riesgo la continuidad de las clases políticas dominantes en razón de sus propuestas como colectivo político. Así mismo, este hecho produjo que a raíz (...)
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    Michel Foucault And The Iranian Revolution: Reflections on Uprising, Resistance and Politics.Marcelo Sergio Raffin - 2021 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 10 (18):169-197.
    This article analyzes the interpretation proposed by Michel Foucault of the Iranian Revolution, i.e. the popular uprisings and revolts that took place in Iran in 1978 and their consequences in the formation of the Islamic Republic in 1979, with the aim of systematizing the thought of the philosopher about this question and of going further in a highly potent matrix in his production which unfortunately has been partly eclipsed by the shallow and hasty criticisms it received. For this purpose, I (...)
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    Para além do legalismo: Hannah Arendt e a desobediência civil.Mário Sérgio de Oliveira Vaz - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (3):284-294.
    Neste artigo, discute-se algumas das contribuições de Hannah Arendt para a reflexão acerca do fenômeno da desobediência civil. Inicialmente, interroga-se em que medida a contestação civil pode ser identificada com a objeção de consciência. Discutir essa questão permite compreender o desenvolvimento da argumentação de Arendt que visa ressaltar o sentido político dos atos de desobediência civil em oposição à caracterização negativa deste fenômeno, defendida por juristas, na tentativa de incluir pelo direito ações extralegais de contestação. Com efeito, essa leitura jurídica, (...)
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  33. Sefer Di konsolasiʹoni filosofya.Sergio Joseph Boethius, Azariah ben Joseph ibn Abba Mari & Sierra - 1967 - [H. Mo. L.]. Edited by Azariah ben Joseph ibn Abba Mari & Sergio Joseph Sierra.
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    Optimisation and “Thoughtful Conjecturing” as Principles of Analytical Guidance in Social Decision Making.Sergio Bruno - 2010 - In Marisa Faggini, Concetto Paolo Vinci, Antonio Abatemarco, Rossella Aiello, F. T. Arecchi, Lucio Biggiero, Giovanna Bimonte, Sergio Bruno, Carl Chiarella, Maria Pia Di Gregorio, Giacomo Di Tollo, Simone Giansante, Jaime Gil Aluja, A. I͡U Khrennikov, Marianna Lyra, Riccardo Meucci, Guglielmo Monaco, Giancarlo Nota, Serena Sordi, Pietro Terna, Kumaraswamy Velupillai & Alessandro Vercelli (eds.), Decision Theory and Choices: A Complexity Approach. Springer Verlag Italia. pp. 37--63.
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    Filosofia economica di Adelino Zanini.Sergio Caruso, Sandro Chignola & Ubaldo Fadini - 2006 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 19 (3):657-672.
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    Homo œconomicus: paradigma, critiche, revisioni: saggio sui (discutibili) presupposti antropologici della razionalità utilitaria e sulle implicazioni ideologiche della loro entificazione.Sergio Caruso - 2012 - Firenze, Italy: Firenze University Press.
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    Facta impia (Virgil, Aeneid 4.596–9).Sergio Casali - 1999 - Classical Quarterly 49 (01):203-211.
    Dawn. Aeneas has just left. As soon as Dido notices that the Trojan fleet is sailing far away from Carthage she is overcome by despair and launches into an enraged monologue , which climaxes in her curse against Aeneas and all of his descendants . In the first part of the monologue Dido reproaches herself for how she has dealt with Aeneas.
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  38. Individualismo y estado mundial. Esbozo de las premisas del modelo Kantiano.Sergio Raul Castano - 2001 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 78 (3):283-300.
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    Frontal Operators in Weak Heyting Algebras.Sergio A. Celani & Hernán J. San Martín - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (1-2):91-114.
    In this paper we shall introduce the variety FWHA of frontal weak Heyting algebras as a generalization of the frontal Heyting algebras introduced by Leo Esakia in [ 10 ]. A frontal operator in a weak Heyting algebra A is an expansive operator τ preserving finite meets which also satisfies the equation $${\tau(a) \leq b \vee (b \rightarrow a)}$$, for all $${a, b \in A}$$. These operators were studied from an algebraic, logical and topological point of view by Leo Esakia (...)
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    Aplicación de la metodología Espacio-Estado en el análisis de las series de desempleo: caso Región del Bío-Bío.Sergio Contreras, Osvaldo Pino & Adrián Pizzinga - 2006 - Theoria 15 (1):65-78.
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    The Politics of a Theatrical Event.Sergio Costola - 2012 - Mediaevalia 33 (33):195-228.
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    Droit et religion entre "clos" et "ouvert".Sergio Cotta - 1993 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 38:147-154.
    La relation entre droit et religion est analysée selon trois niveaux d'analogie, en reprenant le critère bergsonien du "clos" et de l'"ouvert". Au premier niveau, le "clos" dessine une analogie entre systèmes juridiques nationaux et communautés religieuses socioculturelles. Au second niveau, le droit en tant que norme théorétiquement universelle et la religion en tant que dépendante d'un principe transcendant de validité universelle, appartiennent à l'"ouvert". Le troisième niveau envisage uniquement le cas de la religion chrétienne dans laquelle le standard juridique (...)
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    Dalla guerra alla pace: un itinerario filosofico.Sergio Cotta - 1989 - Rusconi Libri.
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    Giustificazione e obbligatorietà delle norme.Sergio Cotta - 1981 - Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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    Le droit dans l'existence: éléments d'une ontophénoménologie juridique.Sergio Cotta & Emmanuelle Rocher - 1996 - Editions Bière.
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  46. La famiglia nei suoi princìpi antropologici ed etico-giurdici.Sergio Cotta - 1994 - Studium 90 (6):837-849.
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    Quidquid latet apparebit : Le problème de la vérité du jugement.Sergio Cotta - 1994 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 39:219-228.
    Dans le cadre de la traditionnelle relation analogique entre le juge humain et le "juge juste", la figure du premier est ramenée à son essence de chercheur de la vérité dans le cas d'une controverse. Tiers impartial, désintéressé, indépendant et pourtant faillible à l'encontre du modèle divin.
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    A Filosofia e a máquina de fazer índices.Sérgio Lima dos Santos Nastasi - 2020 - Páginas de Filosofía 8 (1-2):37.
    O presente texto visa a problematização do ensino de Filosofia na Educação Básica em um contexto de maior enquadramento do trabalho docente nas escolas públicas do estado de São Paulo. Argumenta-se que o poder educacional vem transformando as escolas em máquinas de fazer índices, em detrimento das experiências mínimas ou dos disparadores de pensamentos e afetos no cotidiano dos encontros aprendentes. Para tanto, mobilizam-se conceitos de Gilles Deleuze, Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari e Georges Didi-Huberman a fim de pensar as (...)
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    How to Price and to Reimburse Publicly Funded Medicines in Latin America? Lessons Learned from Europe.Christine Leopold, Sergio Poblete & Sabine Vogler - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (S1):76-91.
    This paper reviews the main pricing policies in Latin American countries, discussing their shortcomings. It also gives an overview of the most common pricing and reimbursement policies in Europe and describes in detail three well-established approaches — international price referencing, value-based pricing, including setting up of health technology assessment, and generic and biosimilar policies — building on country examples.
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  50. Measurement and Metaphysics in van Fraassen’s Scientific Representation.Sergio A. Gallegos - 2015 - Axiomathes 25 (1):117-131.
    Van Fraassen has presented in Scientific Representation an attractive notion of measurement as an important part of the empiricist structuralism that he endorses. However, he has been criticized on the grounds that both his notion of measurement and his empiricist structuralism force him to do the very thing he objects to in other philosophical projects—to endorse a controversial metaphysics. This paper proposes a defense of van Fraassen by arguing that his project is indeed a ‘metaphysical’ project, but one which is (...)
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